Collection: Sensitive Skin
How can redness be improved?
Step 1: Consult your skincare professional
Redness may be related to rosacea, which is a medical condition that should be diagnosed by a skincare professional before starting any treatment plan.
Step 2: Relieve irritation and redness
Calm the skin with skin-soothing ingredients such as hinokitiol, sea whip, and aloe. Help prevent flare-ups caused by environmental factors with antioxidants.
AlumierMD Home Care Products:
SensiCalm Cleanser
Step 3: Repair the skin’s natural moisture barrier
Maintaining the skin’s natural barrier is crucial to preventing further moisture loss and improving cell turnover. Dry skin has a slower cell turnover compared to adequately hydrated skin. Gentle exfoliating treatments and proper hydration can help regulate the process.
AlumierMD Professional Treatments:
Deep Moisture Mask
Aqua Infusion Mask
Enzyme Retexturing Treatment
AlumierMD Home Care Products:
Step 4: Protect from UV rays
Choose mineral-based broad-spectrum sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which keep the skin cooler than chemical sunscreen ingredients by reflecting UV rays. Mineral ingredients are generally less irritating than chemicals, which is important for sensitive and redness-prone skin.
AlumierMD Sunscreen Products:
Sheer Hydration Broad Spectrum SPF 40
Clear Shield Broad Spectrum SPF 42
Moisture Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 40
Step 5: Camouflage redness
AlumierMD’s innovative color-encapsulated tinted sunscreens relieve redness and even out skin tone while providing broad-spectrum UV protection.
AlumierMD Tinted Sunscreens:
Moisture Matte Broad Spectrum SPF 40 Sunscreens (Ivory, Sand, and Amber tints)
Sheer Hydration Broad Spectrum SPF 40 Sunscreen (Versatile Tint)