You have probably heard the term Botox thrown around at some point. Botox is a brand name. Botox is a neuromodulator and is responsible for paralyzing muscles, most widely known for decreasing or preventing wrinkles.
Did you know that neuromodulators are also used to treat hyperhydrosis (Excessive sweating), clenching and/or grinding of the teeth, and migranes.
How does a neuromodulator work?
All neuromodulators work the same way: by interrupting the signal that tells your muscles to contract.
There are several brands of neuromodulators on the market including; Dysport, Xeomin and Jeuveau are the most commonly used in North America.
What can you expect from a treatment of a neuromodulator for wrinkles.
At your appointment you can expect a full assessment, and a treatment plan will be discussed. Questions are alway welcome.
Once consent is obtained we will go ahead with treatment.
Will I have bruising and/or swelling after treatment?
Bruising does happen, however everyone bruises differently. The site of injection may have minor swelling. Swelling is typically resolved within 24 hours of treatment.
Will I be able to return to normal activities after treatment?
Post treatment of a neuromodulator you are required to stay upright for four hours. Neuromodulators are placed spedifically to treat certain muscles, if you lie down the neuromodulator may shift to other areas that were not meant to be treated.
It is advised not to excercise or drink alcohol for 24 hours post treatment.
Will I see results immediately?
Neuromodulators need time to be absorbed before you will see results. Typically you may start noticing less muscle movement at the 3 to 4 day mark. Full effects of a neuromodulator take place at two weeks.
Have more questions, contact us to book your complimentary consultation.